Michael Kohn, MD, MPP
Dr. Kohn's primary research interest is in diagnostic and prognostic testing for COVID-19, stroke, myocardial infarction, sepsis, and other emergency conditions. However, he has also been involved in several treatment trials.
He also provides study design consultations to clinical investigators through the CTSI Consulting Service and created the UCSF CTSI’s online sample size calculators (www.sample-size.net). He is an expert on database management for clinical research, both setting up study databases and extracting data from the electronic health record.
Dr. Kohn has been teaching in the Training in Clinical Research (TICR) Program since 2000, including 10 years (until 2012) as co-director, lecturer, and section leader in the program's flagship "Designing Clinical Research" course. He directs the courses on data management for clinical research (Epi 218) and clinical epidemiology (Epi 204), leads one of the two second-year master’s seminars, and directs the UCSF Workshop on Evidence-Based Diagnosis. With Thomas B. Newman, he co-authored the clinical epidemiology textbook “Evidence-Based Diagnosis” and is a contributing author to Hulley et al, “Designing Clinical Research.”